Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Book Review: Key to Havoc, by Piers Anthony

Let me start out by saying, for those that don't know, that Piers Anthony has long been one of my favorites. I've read the Incarnations of Immortality series so many times my copies are coverless and falling apart. I've read every Xanth book, and that's not a short list.

This book begins a new series, one set 1000 years after humans have colonized another planet. They've lost most of their technology, it seems, but the planet has inherent magic that infests the people on it.

I really enjoyed this book, with this caveat - this book is full of sex. Some of it so graphic and disturbing that at one point I set down the book and spent a day deciding if I wanted to read any further. The problem is, Mr. Anthony spins a fantastic tale, as usual, but, as has been the case with his last several non-Xanth novels, sex is not only a part of the story, it almost becomes a character. I did decide to read on; I had to know what happened to the characters, and I am glad I did. Future revelations made the horrific sexual torture scene seem less so, though I still don't think it needed to be so explicit. For example, would it be enough to say "They raped her" or do you think there is value in describing the exact method used? I think the author went too far in several scenes, but that might just be my opinion.

I recommend this book, though, to those who enjoy the fantasy/murder mystery genres (though the mystery is only partially solved, the sequel is out and I will be reading it as soon as I get it). I also recommend skimming much of the detailed sex scenes as they don't add much to the plot and seem to be there solely for the purpose of being shocking or arousing.


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