Saturday, November 25, 2006

Movie Review: Superman Returns

Superman returns after five years in space to find Lois engaged and with a child, with a Pulitzer for her article about how the world no longer needs him. Lex Luther has gone free, but the Daily Planet is still the same busy place. That's all you need to know about this movie. That, and while it's a decent action film, it makes very little sense.

Now, I could tell you, from the wife-of-a-fan-boy perspective, all the things that are wrong with it, but assuming you're a nice normal person, I'll just say that the plot is a little confusing, the characters frequently make inexplicable decisions or statements, and there were a few places where I just said "What??"

Brandon Routh makes a fine Superman as well as Clark Kent, not an easy thing to pull off (look at all the Batman/Bruce Waynes), and Kate Bosworth is decent, and Bryan Singer admirably helms a good popcorn flick. Superman's costume is updated to be cooler, but without losing the look we all expect. Kevin Spacey is an excellent Lex. Parker Posey is great, but for some reason dresses right out of a 40's private eye movie.

I enjoyed this movie, though I sure don't plan to run out and buy a copy.

2 1/2 stars out of 5.

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At 12:56 AM, Blogger GeekyDad said...

I'm the same way. Hopefully, they can really deliever with the sequal.

But, it's a bit to long and felt they could have axed a few things here and there.


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