Friday, July 21, 2006

Movie Review: Wordplay

Paperback Writer here again. And as I promised I would actually write a review that isn't going to be related to food. Though, I will tell you, it's hard!! :)

Loki and I saw the movie Wordplay a few weeks back at the Manor Theatre in Squirrel Hill. I knew it was going to be a documentary about crossword puzzles, but I didn't know that it was going to be about the New York Times Daily Crossword puzzle.

You see, there are crossword puzzles and then there's the New York Times Daily Crossword Puzzle. I can do one, but not the other. Oh, sure I can do it the New York Times just takes me several years. :)

It chronicles Will Shortz, editor of the NYT Crossword Puzzle as he picks and chooses the daily puzzle. I never knew that picking a puzzle could be such hard work! And never mind about picking it, but constructing a puzzle? I applaud you crossword puzzle makers!

Also included in the documentary are famous fans of the NYT Crossword Puzzle, from Jon Stewart (funny as ever) to the Indigo Girls to former President Bill Clinton. And you know what? Every single person puts me to shame about solving crossword puzzles. Three minutes to solve that sucker? Amazing. I feel like a neaderthal!

Anyway, I greatly enjoyed this documentary. Who knew that you could bring warmth, humor and suspense to a documentary about crossword puzzles?

Now, if they'll only do a documentary about the Rubik's Cube...

(To see what others have to say, go here.)


At 11:32 AM, Blogger Jami said...

Good to know PW, I was wondering if they could make a documentary about crossword puzzles more interesting than it sounds . . .

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said...

Oh, yeah. It's very fun!


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