Monday, July 02, 2007

Movie Review: Transformers

Tonight was opening night of the new Transformers movie, and I was there. As I explained on my blog, I didn't have any background or expectations walking into the movie. I was a blank slate, fueled only by my love of the summer blockbuster. And, in honesty, my love for Josh Duhamel.

In case you, like me, were otherwise engaged in the 1980's, a brief background. The Transformers was a widely popular cartoon series about the struggle between two factions of an advanced alien race, one good, and one bad. The good ones protected humans and human life, and the bad ones killed everything and everyone. The good ones were lead by Optimus Prime and the bad ones by Megatron. And that's all I got, folks, so I hope I got it right.

I'm sure the movie differs from the cartoon series, but I can't comment on that. What I can tell you is how the movie works as a stand-alone vehicle, and the answer is, quite well.

The first action sequence is as good a military action sequence as I've seen in a long time. It doesn't have the visual impact of fellow new release Live Free and Die Hard, but it is engaging and exciting and both tense and fun to watch.

The storyline unfolds perfectly for the uninitiated, without too obvious a visit from everyone's friend, the Exposition Fairy. The main human character, played by Shia LeBeouf, is funny and modern and not too earnest as to be unbelievable. The other supporting characters play out well, stereotypes but likable enough that you root for them even as you know they will survive.

The typical positive message of every alien attack movie released near American Independence Day is solidly represented. The heroes of this movie are undoubtedly the good aliens and GM trucks and cars, but also, without a doubt, the United States Air Force. It's so upbeat a portrayal and the characters are so oozing courage and resilience that it could have been a paid recruitment spot. In fact, my cynical little heart is torn between believing this to be the case, or throwing my girlish screams behind what's sure to be the current hot military force. Forget the ARMY branded girlie tee's, I need to get some USAF shirts, pronto.

In all seriousness, the movie is a solid, fun summer blockbuster. Go with your geek buddies and bring along the clueless girl-friends, too. You'll all enjoy it, and the clueless, like me, will even get to laugh a bit at the silly earnestness of Optimus Prime and Megatron, as they vow to battle to the death. But remember, when you leave the theater, keep the ladies away from any airmen on leave.

I give this movie a solid 4 out of 5 stars, for one of this summer's fun blockbusters, and the cleanest action movie I've seen in years.

Happy Independence Day!

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At 2:45 PM, Blogger Jami said...

Sounds good, I do want to see this one. I should be posting here more.


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