Thursday, August 02, 2007

Movie Review: Superbad

What can I say about this movie except it is so very, very wrong and you will laugh until you hurt?

Brought to you by the fine folks who created 40-Year-Old Virgin, Superbad is a sort of throw back to the 80's teen sex movies, but with less nudity, an actual plot and some serious heart. The language is as blue as you can imagine and much of the story involves nerdy high school seniors discussing sex in rather crass ways. The boys get a once-in-a-high-school career opportunity to be the heroes at a party full of cool kids by bringing the booze to the party of the class hottie.

Twists of fate set two of the boys on the run in a desperate attempt to find alcohol and get to the party while the third goes on an insane adventure with a couple of rogue cops.

We saw this will fellow reviewer PW, and I hope she'll add her two cents to this as well. I felt it made Apatow's previous films look like practice.

FIVE STARS out of five!

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At 7:53 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said...

I will add my two cents because:

1. Jami gave me the heads up to the free passes to said movie
2. I owe her a couple of reviews. *sigh*

Anyway, I wasn't sure what I was going to get from a movie called "Superbad." I think I was just hoping that the movie wasn't going to be...but I was very pleased. I was also pleased to find the kid from Arrested Development as the main character. Jami is right. He's got comic timing.

Loki (I think, it was Loki) who said that if this movie had been made 20 years ago, there would be more boobies and less plot. But now the opposite is true. More plot (but more blueness!) but less boobies.

Anyway, I laughed. It was wrong. But soooo right.

By the way? My new name? Mcloving. From Hawaii.


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