Monday, July 24, 2006

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest

I had high hopes for this movie, since I love the first one, and of course, Johnny Depp. Mmmm, Johnny Depp . .. but I digress. I also tried to keep in mind that this is a sequel, which almost always means not as good.

Dead Man's Chest had many of the elements of the original - Johnny Depp's bizarre half-gay swaggering charming rouge, creepy bad guys, romance, action and some comedy. It doesn't live up to the first in silly comedy, though there were some funny moments. In this episode, Captain Jack is being pursued my more undead pirates out to end his life, this time it's the legendary Davey Jones (not the one from the Monkees) and his semi-immortal ick-i-fied crew. Elizabeth and Will from the first movie miss their wedding due to being arrested for helping Jack escape; only a deal made with a corrupt lord will offer any hope, and Will sets off in search of Jack to find the item required. Of course, there are lots of sword-fights, ship battles, mythical creatures, betrayals, twists and turns.

My brother and his wife felt that they missed some of the plot due to having not seen the first one in a long time. My husband felt it wasn't as funny as the first (I agree) and that some of suspense is ruined by the fact that they've already announced the third.

I'd recommend seeing it, though you might want to wait for the dollar theatre, or even DVD if you have a good set-up at home. I don't want to give away the ending, but the last minute makes me already excited for the next one. It ties the whole thing together and, IMO, was the absolute best ending they could have had.

3 1/2 stars out of 5


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Movie Guy #1 said...

Jami hits the nail on the head with her review. It seems like we agree - this sequel is more of what you you grew to expect from the first movie. It is a safe bet for some good summer movie fun. You can check out my review of Dead Man's Chest at (shameless plug)

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said...

My friend is bugging me to go see it and I've heard mixed reviews about it. So, I will probably see it at a cheap theatre!

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Coach Z said...

Pirates II was much better then any critic reviews have given it. These are the only movies that have done CGI really well. And another thing Capt. Jack is NOT gay! Some people are just stupid, it's common sense that after a pirate spends months at sea his sea legs will be unstable on land, he could have problems from poor diet at sea (scervy?) And all the rum is going to affect your speach...So Depp's acting job is spot on if you ask me. And he keeps hitting on Elizabeth. I think this is great movie fun and much smarter then some people give it.


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