Music Review: Taking The Long Way - The Dixie Chicks

The Dixie Chicks latest album comes three years after the controversy that nearly destroyed the band. Natalie Maines words shattered the success of the Chicks. Radio stopped playing them, consumers destroyed their albums and lunatics made death threats. Now in 2006, the Chicks are not backing down. 'Taking The Long Way' is a solid collection of good songs. While not as fun as 'Fly', it is very listenable and will have you humming tracks in no time.
The album opens with the folksy 'The Long Way Around'. It's very much a 'story so far' song that establishes the Dixie Chick tone for the album. The harmonies are strong and it's ready-made for radio. Following that is 'Easy Silence', a track that mourns the loss of society's innocence and celebrates the comfort provided by someone (possible a husband, loved one, god). Next up is 'Not Ready To Make Nice'. Ballsy beyond measure, this track is the Chicks response to their critics. Musically, the song is a roller coaster as it slowly builds to the power chorus and plummets back to the sternly delivered verses.
"I made my bed and I sleep like a baby'Everybody Knows' is the next track and it's very typical of a Dixie Chicks song: thoughtful lyrics and a good beat. Very much a country music song. On a side note, this song utilizes a country music trick I hate: a male backing vocal on a female lead. Shania Twain has done it and I, personally, find it hard to take. But that's just me. 'Bitter End' has a distinct Irish drinking song sound with that country twang added. It's a fine track, but doesn't stand out for me. 'Lullaby' is very aptly named. Delivered with simple accompaniment and vocal harmonies, it's very mellow. (Word of warning: do not listen to this track while sleepy and driving...I'm fine, but it was a close one.)
With no regrets and I don't mind sayin'
It's a sad sad story when a mother will teach her
Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger
And how in the world can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they'd write me a letter
Sayin' that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over."
'Lubbock Or Leave It' is a re-hash of 'Sin Wagon' and my only real criticism of the album. It just wasn't my cup of tea. 'Silent House', 'Favorite Year' and 'Voice Inside My Head' are solid tracks and reminiscent of past Dixie Chicks albums. 'I Like It' is more of a rock track and less deep lyrically than earlier tracks on the album. 'Baby Hold on' showcases some great harmony work by the Chicks. It's more of a ballad. 'So Hard' is has a honky-tonk feel and rolls along nicely. 'I Hope' closes out the album and it's a bluesy number, but with a message. It's a hope for a better world, less misery, less pain. Right there with ya, Chicks.
My rating: 4 out of a possible 5.
I was very glad to see that they made another album. I'm not a country girl, but I might be persuaded to listen to a few of their tracks!
I enjoy the Dixie Chicks.The song,"Voice Inside My Head" is a song about a woman wondering if she made the correct decision ten years ago to have an abortion.It could be considered a love song except for this lyric:"I'm forever changed
By someone I never knew".It is a sad ,yet very beautiful and powerful song.On the other hand,"So Hard" is about trying to get pregnant but being unable to.These Chicks rock.I am glad I am not their only fan.
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