Sunday, August 12, 2007

Movie Review: Fracture

A murder mystery where you see the crime in the first few minutes of the movie? That's exactly what this movie is. Ted Crawford (Anthony Hopkins with a charming brogue) murders his philandering wife early in this picture. The intrigue begins after ADA Willy Beachum (Ryan Gosling) who can't wait to get out of prosecuting and into the world of corporate law catches the seemingly open-and-shut case. He confessed, the cops have his gun, the security cameras show that no one else came or went from the house - so why does Crawford plead not guilty?

Not a psychological thriller, not really a whodunit, definitely not a comedy or romance, I'm not sure what to call this movie, but it certainly drew me in and kept my attention. The major question bugged me throughout and I didn't figure it out before the reveal. All the actors perform at top level, and even though it felt a little tacked on, Beachum's romance added some interest and a tiny piece of insight into the character.

The best part of this movie is that it was different from pretty much anything else I've seen. I recommend it strongly.

4 out of 5 stars

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At 9:10 AM, Blogger Liz said...

I saw it and liked it, but the part annoyed me to no end - I wanted to hit Ryan Gosling at times.

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Jami said...

My big problem was a large legal mistake at the end. Gosling didn't annoy me so much that I wanted to hit him, but I get where you're coming from.


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